Course description

Summary of the Course

This English Grammar Preparation Course is fully prepared and crafted to help candidates wishing success in competitive exams for Lectureship, Senior English Teacher, Junior School Teacher / Middle School/ High Schools or any other recruitment tests by PPSC, FPSC, NTS, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC, STS etc. This course will help you improve your English grammar by teaching you all the important rules of Grammar, Sentence Structure and Language properly so that success comes to you.

Course Outline

A. Parts of Speech:

i. Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions and interjections

ii. Recognising and using the right parts of speech in sentences

iii. Exercises To Help Solidify This Conceptament

B. Tenses and Verb Forms:

i. 12 tenses and how to use them

ii. How to form verbs and perform conjugations

iii. Exercises in Using Tenses in Context

C. Sentence Structure:

i. Knowing the sentence simple, compound and complex

ii. Improving Clarity and Coherence of Sentences

iii. Sentence Correction & Improvement Exercises

D. Punctuation:

i. Defining punctuation rules

ii. Comma Usage, Periods, Colons; Semicolons etc.

iii. Exercises, Placing punctuations correctly in a sentence

E. Common Grammar Errors:

ii Common grammatical errors

ii. Practice avoiding subject-verb agreement errors, pronouns of unclear reference.onerror exercises

iii. Deconstructing grammatical accuracy

What Does the Course Include?

Live sessions: Live sessions that enable you to interact with expert instructors who will walk you through all of the course content.

Lecture Video: Recordings of lectures that you can watch at your convenience.

Self-Assessment: Take the quizzes and be sure to test your understanding before you get to do any of my examples.

Live Discussion Forums: A place to ask questions, exchange ideas and work with your peers

Instructor's Support: Dedicated support from instructor to clear any doubt and personal feedback.

Why Enroll in This Course?

Are you preparing for a competitive exam and English grammar seems complicated beyond comprehension? Fear not because our English Grammar Preparation Course is here! It breaks down complicated grammar rules into simple lessons designed by expert educators so that you understand everything. You can learn English grammar on your own time with interesting online classes, video lectures accessible for all and shortcuts to help you in the interactive quizzes. The best part is that there are live discussion forums and support from the instructors. If English Grammar Section was the limitation for you, Enroll now and take the first step to just getting them right!!

What will i learn?

  • Good knowledge of English Grammar.
  • The ways to effective exam preparation.
  • Idea about Time management in exam.
  • Gave a confidence boost to face the English grammar section.


  • Some knowledge of English language concepts.
  • Laptop/desktop along with a good internet connection.

Frequently asked question

This English grammar course is perfect for those of you especially preparing yourself in competitive exams on PPSC, FPSC or any such test.

Parts of Speech, Tenses, Sentence Structure, Punctuation & Common Grammar Errors are included in the course.

The course is packed with online classes, video lectures, quizzes, live discussion forum and support from the instructor. These are resources to help you understand the course better and prepare well for your exams.

It is a self-paced course which may be completed by you as per your professional commitments. You will be able to access the materials and learn on your own time, although it is best completed within a few months.

you will be available to instructors for personal assistance and live discussion forums with other students asking questions.

There are quizzes which help you understand your knowledge of essential concepts. If you have only just started preparing, these mock-tests are to help give a taste of the questions that might come in your exams.

Yes, you will have access to the course materials.

For those interested, you can take the course at our website. Just create an account, select the Preparation Course and follow to take the course.

There is no specific requirement as such.

You can make payment via credit/debit card, bank transfer and mobile payments for our online course. For complete payment instructions, please visit our website.

Abdul Qayyum






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