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iPrep.pk is a premier online platform for coaching students achieve their best in competitive tests administered by all sorts of provincial and federal public service commissions like FPSC, PPSC, BPSC, KPKPSC and SPSC.
We provide preparation materials for most of the competitive exams such us Single MCQs Papers of provincial government jobs, mock interviews and other specific exams.
Yes, we do provide a 30 days free trial- limited-trial to experience the various facilities offered by our platform. See the sample lessons, go through some of the practice quizzes, and get a sense about what the learning environment will be like.
We have different packages to suit you depending on how often you would like to access the sites. Everything in the free trial but with additional materials, examples, mock tests and some of the features require paid subscription.
We provide video tutorials, PDF lecture notes, quizzes, causative note series, solved past papers, and subject wise courses.
Visit our valuable articles to get more information.