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Structural Engineer │ BPS-18 │ PPSC

Abdul Qayyum

Thu, 13 Mar 2025

Structural Engineer │ BPS-18 │ PPSC

01 New jobs for Structural Engineer BPS-18 in Industries, Commerce, Investment & Skills Development Dept. (ICI & SDD) has been advertised through PPSC The position of Structural Engineer (BPS-18) by the Punjab Public Service Commission is an appropriate BCM senior public sector job that include the responsibility of designing and assuring the integrity of structural frameworks in special projects. activities that are usually undertaken include structural evaluation, management of the project as well as recognizing and following the set safety measures for construction of buildings, bridges, and any other construction work in the project. This position requires a high level of professional specialization in the field of structural engineering and concern for more environmentally friendly construction. It is a perfect chance to make a positive input to the infrastructure development of Punjab besides enhancing people’s security.

Department: Industries, Commerce, Investment & Skills Development Dept.(ICI & SDD).

Case No: 65-RJ/2024

No. of post(s): 01

Advertisement date: 29-12-2024

Advertisement number: 39/2024

Eligibility criteria: Master's Degree in Structural Engineering from HEC Recognized University

Age limit: Male (40) Female (43) including 5/8 years relaxation in upper age limit.

Last date to apply: 13-01-2025

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